dutch conversation courses are starting from february!
Have you achieved at least level A2 but you don’t have the confidence to speak Dutch yet? I will give you the confidence to speak Dutch in just 15 fun online lessons! From February, new conversation courses will start in small groups (maximum 4). For only € 562,50 you will learn how to have a good conversation in 15 lessons (80 minutes). Be fast because the groups fill up quickly! Send an e-mail to logopediesmits@zeelandnet.nl and mention your name, level of Dutch and which parts of the day you are available. I then form the final groups. It is also possible to create your own group. I hope to meet you soon during the course!
Welkom/ Welcome
De praktijk verzorgt online lessen Nederlands vanaf niveau A0-C2. Inloggen kan op elk gewenst moment, waar en wanneer u maar wilt. Voor actuele informatie over de tarieven neemt u contact op via logopediesmits@zeelandnet.nl.
Nederlands leren bij mijn praktijk is uitdagend en leuk! Hier volgt u lessen Nederlands op verschillende niveaus. Het is mogelijk voor expats, internationale studenten en au pairs om op een leuke manier online Nederlands te leren. Tijdens de cursus leert u Nederlands aan de hand van allerlei interessante onderwerpen. Schrijf u dus snel in voor deze leuke lessen!
I provide online Dutch lessons from level A0-C2. You can log in at any time, wherever and whenever you want. For up-to-date information on rates, please contact logopediesmits@zeelandnet.nl.
I aim to make learning a fun experience! It makes it possible for expats, au pairs and international students to learn Dutch online in a fun way. During the course you will be exploring all kind of interesting subjects and current topics. So sign up quickly for these fun lessons!
Wat studenten zeggen over de lessen/ What students say about the lessons:
Narayan: ‘Many thanks! You gave me the confidence to speak Dutch.’
Ming: ‘I really enjoyed the fun lessons! Thank you so much for helping me with my pronunciation of Dutch.’
Petrella: ‘I am gonna miss our Dutch conversations. I really enjoyed our lessons. You’re a really good teacher. Thanks!!!’
Renaud: ‘Ik zal proberen om al mijn professionele mails in het Nederlands te schrijven.
Ik voel dat ik vooruitgang heb geboekt en ik durf in het Nederlands te spreken.
En dit is dankzij de cursussen die ik heb gevolgd en dankzij jou!
Dank u voor uw werk!
Ik hoop dat ik in de herfst weer met de cursussen kan beginnen!’
Vincent: ‘Nogmaals hartelijk dank voor alles ! Je bent een geweldige lerares en ik vond onze lessen zowel zeer goed als zeer aangenaam. Ik zal je écht missen.’
Vinicius: ‘I would like to thank you for all the lessons we have had together and all the knowledge you shared with me! I really had a good time learning with you. Learning Dutch with you (along with all the other cultural insights) definitely helped me to feel more at home in the Netherlands.‘

Cristina: ‘I want to thank you for being such a lovely, wonderful, knowledgeable teacher, but also an amazing and unique person! Please continue to inspire everyone around and share good vibes! 😊I will miss you very much!!!‘
Mihai-Alexandru: ‘I found the Dutch lessons very nice and enjoyable, and I also feel like I learned quite a lot, even though we didn’t get to work together for too long, but still, I would like to thank you kindly for all the help and the very lovely classes!‘
Petra: ‘Thank you once again very much for the great classes we had with you, Suzanne!’
Diana: ‘I really enjoyed the course and hopefully we can continue in September!’
Ewa: ‘Thank you very much for this certificate and once again – thank you for your effort and the time you spent teaching us this year.’
Magdalena: ‘I would like to thank you for your lessons, for the knowledge you gave me. Thank you!’
Petya: ‘Once again, thank you very much for all the support in my Dutch experience 😊 Many hugs from Bulgaria!!! Warm regards, Petya’
Fia: ‘Thank you so much for all teaching and support this autumn: it has been very nice and useful, and I truly enjoyed the setup and your experience. Dutch is a difficult language for me, but you made it more approachable.’
Diana: ‘You’re a great teacher!’